A new approach to philanthropy

A new approach to philanthropy
Our investment focus has been on technology platforms that scale globally, and in the past decade we have witnessed the power and spectacular success of many such platforms. A large part of the platforms’ success comes from their abilities to scale and standardize. However, technology can also be used for personalization not previously achievable, especially in personalized medicine and personalized education, two areas most in need of transformation for the most profound impacts. With a unique and hands-on approach to philanthropy, the Founders set up Citrin Foundation in 2016, the first of its kind, not-for-profit medical research foundation to tackle a severely under-diagnosed metabolic condition with no treatment currently available known as citrin deficiency to adopt a personalized medicine approach for patients with this condition and rare diseases. The Founders have also set up Cresconova Academy, a non-profit education platform that provides personalized education for learners around the world who want more than what a traditional school setting can offer. Additionally, we provide YH2 Capital Scholarship for undergraduate study at Magdalene College, University of Cambridge in the UK.