YH2 Capital Scholarship
Start a new Journey
Images courtesy of Magdalene College Cambridge.

The Star – 12 September 2021
Scholar’s rewarding road to Cambridge
IT is a given that to be eligible for any scholarship, one has to be academically inclined. But what made Teoh Yun Xin stand out as a candidate for the inaugural YH2 Capital Scholarship last year was her indomitable spirit in the face of adversity.
As the first scholar of a Singapore-based investment company, Teoh was awarded bond-free full funding to pursue a three-year law degree at Magdalene College in Cambridge University, the United Kingdom, where she has just completed her first year studies with first class honours.
YH2 Capital Management founders and co-chief executive officers Tai Yen How and Barbara Yu, who sponsored the scholarship, said Teoh fully embodies the candidate they were looking for.
“She has proven that beyond our expectations in the past year. Many people can study well but obstacles in life, especially unexpected ones, will knock them down in many cases.”
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/education/2021/09/12/scholars-rewarding-road-to-cambridge

The Star – 03 September 2021
Don’t miss it YH2 Capital Scholarship
Deadline: Feb 28, 2022
YH2 Capital Scholarship
> Applications are open for outstanding Malaysians seeking bond-free full funding to pursue a bachelor’s degree at Cambridge University’s Magdalene College.
> A maximum of £166,206 (RM952,890) will be awarded for a three-year course, while a maximum of £221,608 (RM1.27mil) will be awarded for a four-year course.
> Candidates must name Magdalene College in their Cambridge University admission applications, and receive a conditional offer from the college to be considered for the scholarship.
> Successful candidates can study any subject except for architecture, engineering, chemical engineering, manufacturing engineering, management studies, medicine and veterinary medicine.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/education/2021/09/12/don039t-miss-it-yh2-capital-scholarship

The Star – 03 September 2021
Two slots for Cambridge
PETALING JAYA: Outstanding Malaysian students who lack the financial means to study at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom will now have an opportunity to do so.
The YH2 Capital Scholarship is once again open for applications and this time, two Malaysians will be awarded bond-free full funding worth up to £387,814 (RM2.22mil) to pursue a bachelor’s degree at the university’s Magdalene College.
A maximum of £166,206 (RM952,890) will be awarded for a three-year course, while a maximum of £221,608 (RM1.27mil) will be awarded for a four-year course.
Launched in 2019, the inaugural scholarship went to Teoh Yun Xin, who has completed her first year of law study at the college with first-class honours.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2021/09/03/two-slots-for-cambridge

Sin Chew Daily – 03 September 2021
YH2 Capital奖学金待申请
(吉隆坡3日讯)YH2 Capital奖学金即日起开放申请,将有两名马来西亚籍学生可获总值达38万7814英镑(约222万令吉)的全额赞助,前往英国剑桥大学莫德林学院就读本科学位,且不附带服务合约。
请往网址阅读详情: 星洲日报

Cambridge University Malaysia Society – 10 September 2021
YH2 Capital Management expands the YH2 Capital Scholarship Programme
YH2 Capital Management today announced the expansion of the YH2 Capital Scholarship programme in conjunction with Magdalene College, Cambridge University to fully empower two students, up from one student previously, to pursue their dream of studying at Cambridge University, without being constrained by financial means or choice of prospective employment.
The YH2 Capital Scholarship programme now offers up to two fully-funded, bond-free Scholarships to Malaysians each year for undergraduate study at Magdalene College, the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. The value of each Scholarship can be up to £220,000 (more than RM1 million) for a four-year undergraduate course.
Read more at https://www.cumas.org/yh2-scholarship-2021/

afterschool.my – September 2021
YH2 Capital Scholarship
The YH2 Capital Scholarship programme is launched in 2019 and is fully funded by the Co-Founders and Co-CEOs of YH2 Capital Management Pte. Ltd. in Singapore. The programme offers up to two fully-funded, bond-free Scholarships each year for undergraduate study at Magdalene College, University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom.
Read more at https://afterschool.my/scholarship/yh2-capital-scholarshiph

The Star Online – 07 September 2019
RM1mil Cambridge assistance launched
If you’re an outstanding Malaysian with dreams of earning a Cambridge degree, this is your chance to study for free at one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious universities.
A Singapore-based investment company is looking to sponsor a candidate with exemplary academic and personal qualities, to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Britain.
The YH2 Capital Scholarship offers bond-free funding of up to £200,000 (RM1.03mil) to study at Magdalene College, University of Cambridge.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2019/09/07/rm1mil-cambridge-assistance-launched

Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (Ministry of Education) – 10 September 2019
Penawaran Biasiswa YH2 Capital Scholarship
Program Biasiswa YH2 dilancarkan pada 2019 dan dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh YH2 Capital Management Pte. Ltd. di Singapura. Program ini menawarkan biasiswa dan tajaan sepenuhnya bagi pengajian peringkat ijazah di Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Read more at https://www.moe.gov.my/en/pemberitahuan/announcement/penawaran-biasiswa-yh2-capital-scholarship

Cikgu Press – 11 September 2019
Penawaran YH2 Capital Scholarship
Penawaran YH2 Capital Scholarship. Melalui laman web Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM), satu penawaran biasiswa oleh YH2 Capital telah ditawarkan kepada semua pelajar Malaysia. Program Biasiswa YH2 dilancarkan pada 2019 dan dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh YH2 Capital Management Pte. Ltd. di Singapura. Program ini menawarkan biasiswa dan tajaan sepenuhnya bagi pengajian peringkat ijazah di Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Read more at https://www.cikgupress.com/2019/09/penawaran-yh2-capital-scholarship.html

Iraimalar – 13 September 2019
YH2 Capital Scholarship
The YH2 Capital Scholarship programme is launched in 2019 and is fully funded by the Co-Founders and Co-CEOs of YH2 Capital Management Pte. Ltd. in Singapore. The programme offers one fully funded, bond-free Scholarship each year for undergraduate study at Magdalene College, University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom.
Read more at https://www.facebook.com/iraimalarbythiruvenggadamanamuthu/

南洋商报 – 14 September 2019
与剑桥大学莫德林学院合作 YH2 Capital Management 设奖学金
(吉隆坡13日讯)YH2 Capital Management 宣布与英国剑桥大学莫德林学院合作推出 YH2 Capital 奖学金计划,每年将为一名大马籍学生提供前往英国剑桥大学莫德林学院就读本科学位的全额奖学金,并且不附带任何服务合约。
Read more at https://www.enanyang.my/news/20190914/与剑桥大学莫德林学院合作

The Star Online – 15 September 2019
The magic of Magdalene
Don’t be afraid. Instead, be eager to share what you’ve got and be ready for questions.
That’s Dr Rowan Williams, Master of Magdalene College’s advice, to students hoping to get into the University of Cambridge.
Magdalene is one of 29 undergraduate colleges responsible for the admission of students to the varsity.
YH2 Capital Scholarship candidates must name Magdalene College in the Cambridge admission application and receive a conditional offer from the college, to be considered for the award.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/education/2019/09/15/the-magic-of-magdalene

The Star Online – 15 September 2019
Full scholarships with no strings attached
Outstanding Malaysians are invited to apply for a fully-funded scholarship to do their bachelor’s degree at Magdalene College, University of Cambridge.
Singapore-based investment company YH2 Capital Management Pte Ltd’s inaugural scholarship is for those with “exemplary academic and personal qualities”.
Launched this month, the YH2 Capital Scholarship sponsored by the company’s founders and co-CEOs, Tai Yen How and Barbara Yu, is for those who would not otherwise have the means to study at the prestigious academic institution.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/education/2019/09/15/full-scholarships-with-no-strings-attached

UPUONLINE – 15 September 2019
Permohonan Biasiswa YH2 Capital Scholarship 2019
Permohonan Biasiswa YH2 Capital Scholarship 2019. Anda sedang mengikuti pengajian di peringkat Ijazah di Magdalene College, University of Cambridge? Untuk makluman, kini anda ditawarkan satu biasiswa iaitu Program Biasiswa YH2 dimana ia dilancarkan pada 2019 dan dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh YH2 Capital Management Pte. Ltd. di Singapura.
Read more at https://upuonline.net/permohonan-biasiswa-yh2-capital-scholarship/

StudyMalaysia.com – 18 September 2019
YH2 Capital Scholarship 2019
The YH2 Capital Scholarship programme is launched in 2019 and is fully funded by the Co-Founders and Co-CEOs of YH2 Capital Management Pte. Ltd. in Singapore. The programme offers one fully funded, bond-free Scholarship each year for undergraduate study at Magdalene College, University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom.
Read more at https://www.facebook.com/studymsia/

Pendidikan4all – 23 September 2019
Tawaran Biasiswa YH2 Capital Kepada Pelajar Malaysia
Program Biasiswa YH2 Capital dilancarkan pada 2019 dan dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh YH2 Capital Management Pte. Ltd. di Singapura. Program ini menawarkan biasiswa dan tajaan sepenuhnya bagi pengajian peringkat ijazah di Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Read more at https://pendidikan4all.net/biasiswa-yh2-capital-buat-pelajar-malaysia/

Cambridge University Malaysia Society – 26 September 2019
Opportunity For an Education at Cambridge – with no strings attached
I was invited to tag along with Christina Chin, a reporter from The Star, to Singapore to find out why and how this scholarship came about. The session featured the co-founders of YH2 Capital, Barbara Yu and Tai Yen How; Dr Rowan Williams (Master of Magdalene College), and Corrine Lloyd (Director of Development, and Fellow, at Magdalene College). Now here’s my take on why the YH2 Scholarship is so special, and why you should apply.
Read more at https://www.cumas.org/yh2-scholarship/

afterschool.my – September 2019
YH2 Capital Scholarship
The YH2 Capital Scholarship programme is launched in 2019 and is fully funded by the Co-Founders and Co-CEOs of YH2 Capital Management Pte. Ltd. in Singapore. The programme offers one fully funded, bond-free Scholarship each year for undergraduate study at Magdalene College, University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom.
Read more at https://afterschool.my/scholarship/yh2-capital-scholarship